Our Vision

…God elevated him to the place of highest honor and gave Him the name above all other names, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue declare that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

– Fil.2.3-11

To see the reign of Jesus Christ in the lives of individuals, families, schools, churches and entire communities.
“All of Christ in all of life”

Our Mission

To build up followers of Christ and thriving communities through holistic discipleship from childhood to adulthood.
“Jesus came and told his disciples: „I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth. Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

– Mathew 28.18-20

Our Values

Grace-filled, Gospel-centered Relationships, Faith & Patience, Joy & Gratitude

Our Purpose

Establishing a Christian Missional Center in Poznan, Poland that will result with new evangelical churches and Christian schools.


In Poland, the family structure is breaking down. About one-third of marriages end in divorce. More and more couples decide to live together without marriage. Every other child in Poland is born into a single-parent family or becomes an orphan. Poland has the highest rate of suicide in Europe for young adults.


We are meeting people in the places of their needs, concerns and challenges through King David Schools, Church groups and the Institute. Our goal is to live out “all of Christ in all of life” to inspire our neighbors being for them an exemple of Christ-transformed life. Through the Word of God, God’s grace and transformational fellowship by the power of the Holy Spirit we equip people to develop skills, knowledge and character


We want to help to plant in 20 places new evangelical fellowships, schools, family clinic in the region of Poland.

To achieve this we want to obtain a facility for Christian Schools and Christian Fellowship

  • We want to help to plant in 20 places new evangelical fellowships, schools, family clinic in the region of Poland
  • To achieve this we want to obtain a facility for Christian Schools and Christian Fellowship

Keys to the Strategy

From our experience, education platforms and schools are the best platforms for creating Missional Community. King David Christian Schools are dedicated to bringing children, youth and whole families to Christ. Schools are currently located in Poznan, Poland, and in Kenjojo, Hakatoma, Ngezi, and Kaihura – Uganda.

Christian Schools

We have established and currently oversee Christian schools in Poland with stationary and homeschooling programs, where children from Poland, Ukraine and Belarus are being taught.
We have helped to start and to establish four schools and four churches in Uganda.

Hubert's testimony

Kasia's testimony

Discipleship Groups


Lives are changed through grace-filed relationships. Our Lord had been always deeply focused on this value. As we live alongside one another, we are able to mature and grow in Christ life, that is multiplied in next people. As a result of this process, 16 discipleship groups have been established and Christian fellowships have been planted in three different towns of Poland.

The Church

We believe that the chief end of human beings is to know God and to live with Him in close fellowship. In our life this true fellowship is possible only in the Family and in the Church, in eucharistic (thanksgiving) fellowship. Young believers are growing in Christ. Mature believers are developing to their fullness. Are also equipped to seek the lost, lead them to personal relationship with Christ, bring them to the fellowship of believers, and make disciples to the fourth generation.

Hubert's view on Discipleship

Ewa's testimony

Leadership Institute

Through different programs and trainings, we are helping saints to mature in Christ as husbands and wives, and thereby achieve their likeness to God. We also lead workshops and seminars for teachers and pastors.